THE NUTCRACKER The Magic lives on …!
In this unusual year, The Nutcracker can still bring joy and beauty to all homes. Its message and its values continue to be shared by families around the world, this time virtually through the Aplaudir.com platform.
The Costa Rican production of the Ballet The Nutcracker prides itself of having a quality level that transcends Costa Rica’s borders and reaches an enthusiastic public with world class professional Dancers , Producers and Choreographers from many countries including the US, Russia , Central America , Latvia, Check Republic as well as promising Costa Rican ballerinas.
The Nutcracker is the most anticipated show of the Christmas season, and we have found an excellent opportunity to produce this performance from Costa Rica at a low cost, so that all families, wherever they are, can enjoy in the comfort of their home, the wonderful Tchaikovsky music of Nutcracker and a ballet show that is in the hearts of young and old for the Christmas season.
This year The Nutcracker will present its Virtual Season so that you can enjoy it in the comfort of your home with your loved ones.
The well reputed Choreographers , Teachers and Artistic Directors of the Nutcracker from Costa Rica are :
Maestro Wes Chapman, former principal dancer of American Ballet Theatre, former Artistic Director of ABT II, former Artistic Director of Alabama Ballet, currently Dance Chairman for Alabama School of Fine Arts, Chairman of the Jury for Universal Ballet Competition and Artistic Coordinator for ABT/Texas Summer Intensive.
Maestra Patricia Carreras, currently Director of the San José School of Russian Classical Ballet and trained teacher in Russian Ballet technique ( courses in Moscow, St Petersburg, N.Y.) , former Director of the National Dance Company of Costa Rica, former Vice Minister of Culture (CR) and former Vice-President of the World Dance Alliance (NY). Maestra Maria Monakhova, well known pedagogue and choreographer ( Guitis Institute) , former Moscow Bolshoi Theater Ballerina, also contributes some choreography pieces.
Saturday December 19th at 8 pm US CST or 9 pm US Eastern (Buy Tickets)

Little Clara’s love and dreams will continue to shine and strengthen the hope that make us stronger! That is why the wonderful music and ballet dance of The Nutcracker, at a low cost and in the comfort of your home, is an excellent opportunity for all family members to enjoy the Holiday season.
The Nutcracker Season this year will be virtual and will offer performances at various times so that the entire family can enjoy it! Girls, boys and young seasoned dancers from Costa Rica and principals from all over the world will join in this beautiful, professional level, special streaming edition produced for this occasion.
It is a Christmas classic inspired by the by the E. Hoffmann story of The Nutcracker and The King of Mice , which takes place at a Christmas party, and in which her Godfather gives little Clara a strange and captivating toy, a Nutcracker that comes to life, defeats the Mouse King in a tough battle and leads the young woman to a magical world.
The Choreographers and Artistic Directors of this Nutcracker production, the well known Master Choreographers and teachers Wes Chapman – of ABT tradition – and Patricia Carreras – russian ballet technique trained – have undertaken this intense work together with the Aplaudir! streaming team, to offer this special and tender performance for people around the world.
With its countless productions in all regions of the planet, The Nutcracker is considered a worldwide phenomenon because it continues to excite viewers and make children and adults dream. Part of the reason for this phenomenon is undoubtedly the music of the great Tchaikovsky, who makes Clara travel to a magical kingdom with different cultures. Nutcracker is the most listened to ballet music around the world inspiring millions of people to believe in beauty and harmony and constitutes a huge artistic, technical and interpretive challenge, especially for young dancers.
Watching The Virtual Nutcracker season at Aplaudir! is very easy. Select the performance you prefer and follow the steps below:
1) Buy the ticket to the event with your credit card on this page. The regular ticket cost is US $ 13.99. Buy 3 or more tickets and receive a 10% discount.
2) You will promptly receive an email with the access link and password to watch the event. The transmission will be in high resolution through a web page and does not require downloading any program. If you want to buy multiple tickets to gift, select the number of tickets and include the name and email of the persons you wish to receive the tickets.
3) On the day of the event follow the link and you will be able to see the performance anywhere where you have an Internet connection and from any computer or telephone. You can also connect your device to a television to see the event on the Big Screen.
Select the performance you wish to enjoy:
Saturday December 19th at 8 pm US CST or 9 pm US Eastern (Buy Tickets)